On the 7th day of May 2024 in the Magistrates Court held at Devonport the Court made the following determinations on the case of Eve Croswell and her failure to care for Archie.
Ms Croswell was charged and convicted of one count of failing to provide an animal with appropriate and sufficient food, drink, shelter, or exercise and one count of crating a dog.

Ms Croswell was ordered to pay a fine of $2500.00
Court costs of $90.78
Appeal costs of $3.56
Other amounts of $8264.81

Considering what he went through with the untreated tumour and food deprivation,  Archie is a friendly and trusting dog.

At 11, he is youthful and exuberant.

He was hungry in his former life and now eats with joyful gusto.

RSPCA inspectors and care attendants are grateful that after 3 years in limbo, waiting for his case to be heard, Archie now has a chance at a new life.