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rspcatas.org.au/donate 💚💙🧡 ... See MoreSee Less

rspcatas.org.au/donate 💚💙🧡

21 CommentsComment on Facebook

The owners that had puppy breeding farm should be paying for all this, absolutely disgusting they pay nothing

Those responsible for this atrocity should be footing the bill, and made to pay it off for the rest of their lives!

I wish people would care and donate to the dogs home for all the cross breed Staffy’s and Kelpies that have been there for months.. but, they’re not Labradoodles 😔

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Because of the generosity of donors another Labradoodle is on his way to now experiencing life the way we think a he should.
Abe is learning about love, good regular nutritious meals, and TOYS! Apprehensive about toys to start with, he is quickly discovering they are one of his favourite things!
At long last, life is looking up for this young lad.
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Because of the generosity of donors another Labradoodle is on his way to now experiencing life the way we think a he should. 
Abe is learning about love, good regular nutritious meals, and TOYS!  Apprehensive about toys to start with, he is quickly discovering they are one of his favourite things! 
At long last, life is looking up for this young lad.

83 CommentsComment on Facebook

With the tons of money these breeders made, the TV commercials advertising their puppies coming to an agreement about the dogs was poor in my opinion: They should have been fined big time. With this amount of dogs there should have been no negotiation just prosecute them. They could afford the fine.

The owners/breeders should be made sell their home to cover all the cost for rehabilitation and all other costs involved and be given a hefty fine on top of that considering the money these poor dogs bought in for them over the years Disgusting humans

This will continue in the backyards of unethical breeders as long as people think they need designer dogs and are willing to pay big dollars for them.

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Good evening everyone - meet Aaron.
Heavily matted like Angel, it will take us quite a long time and a lot of care for us to get through all that mat of fur to see the scared boy underneath.
Thank you to all our donors whose generosity will ensure Aaron will feel better very soon.
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Good evening everyone - meet Aaron.  
Heavily matted like Angel, it will take us quite a long time and a lot of care for us to get through all that mat of fur to see the scared boy underneath.  
Thank you to all our donors whose generosity will ensure Aaron will feel better very soon. 

68 CommentsComment on Facebook

I just hope that all the people that are rescuing or adopting these dogs realise that the grooming and clipping is a lifetime commitment otherwise they will mat again!

It is so distressing to think these people were allowed to be so cruel to all these dogs for so many years and nobody could help!!!!! The laws are a laugh...cruelty allowed and people getting rich by being cruel

I don’t know which icon to use, the crying face as it’s just a terrible terrible thing or the hugs icon as you just want to wrap your arms around him and whisper in his ear that everything will be ok. Made me give my doggo an extra big hug and told her how much I love her 🥰

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Meet Angel: From Fear to Freedom
When Angel first arrived, she was paralyzed with fear, her fur matted tightly to her skin. As our team gently clipped away the painful mats, she began to realize she could move freely again. Through the generosity of our donors and carers, Angel is learning not to fear people and to feel the comfort and joy of being safe and loved. She has a long journey ahead, but thanks to all of you, she will make it. www.rspcatas.org.au/donate/
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Meet Angel: From Fear to Freedom
When Angel first arrived, she was paralyzed with fear, her fur matted tightly to her skin. As our team gently clipped away the painful mats, she began to realize she could move freely again. Through the generosity of our donors and carers, Angel is learning not to fear people and to feel the comfort and joy of being safe and loved. She has a long journey ahead, but thanks to all of you, she will make it. https://www.rspcatas.org.au/donate/

153 CommentsComment on Facebook

It infuriates me that the perpetrators got away with this for as long as they did. Even more so that they are basically getting away with no punishment and not footing any of the bill to rehome these poor babies in order for them to have the care, love and medical help they all so desperately need and have been deprived of their whole lives. So wrong. The laws need changing now. I hope you get the loving home you deserve Angel 🥰

People responsible should be jailed!

Why wasn't the Labradoodle farmers charged for full re homing costs including all vet costs and grooming fees.

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Our work is just beginning, with your help, together we can do this.
We wish to express our immense gratitude to all of you who've responded to our call for help.
We have noticed that many donors are now from locations all across Australia. Last night many donors were responding to our call for help from Victoria and Queensland!
Deepest thanks to EVERYONE from everywhere!
We are still in need to raise funds and later today will be able to start sharing some stories from the front lines with our animal care and specialist teams.
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Our work is just beginning, with your help, together we can do this.
We wish to express our immense gratitude to all of you whove responded to our call for help. 
We have noticed that many donors are now from locations all across Australia. Last night many donors were responding to our call for help from Victoria and Queensland!
Deepest thanks to EVERYONE from everywhere! 
We are still in need to raise funds and later today will be able to start sharing some stories from the front lines with our animal care and specialist teams. 

36 CommentsComment on Facebook

Fantastic! Like someone commented on your post yesterday, you should be getting some money from the puppy mill owners to pay for their mistreated dogs' care and rehoming. Maybe your lawyers can assist you with that.

Please stop criticising the RSPCA. They are constrained by the Animal Welfare Act, various other legislation etc. and the legal system is very slow.

I feel terrible for the puppys but also dissapointed that the RSPCA allowed this to get so bad - its a terrible situation for the poor dogs and I feel the system has let them down. Ive seen this a bit with horses and other animals. Intervention needs to occur sooner to save these poor helpless animals.

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We want to mark our first labradoodle adoption with Bosco set for a great life with his new family, and once again thank you all for your generosity.

We will now be able to increase the rate at which we take dogs into care and ready them for rehoming.

You are all absolute champions.
The appeal continues at: www.rspcatas.org.au/donate/
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We want to mark our first labradoodle adoption with Bosco set for a great life with his new family, and once again thank you all for your generosity.

We will now  be able to increase the rate at which we take dogs into care and ready them for rehoming.

You are all absolute champions.
The appeal continues at: https://www.rspcatas.org.au/donate/

90 CommentsComment on Facebook

Great results in the making. Well done. But can someone tell me why the breeders (who made a lot of money over the years) aren't made to pay for the costs of treating many of these dogs?

Brilliant but please don’t forget that we need action to change the legislation. Hundreds of supporters on this page alone. ⭐️

Darling Bosco, your new journey in life has started ♥️ even the difference in the look on his face from that adoption pic shows he senses love and care are now found. Thank you to the 100s of kind Tasmanians who stepped up and offered a home to all these fur babies ♥️

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We cannot thank you enough for your support 💚💙❤️

We’ve had an outpouring of donations today, and still have a way to go.
You can donate here: www.rspcatas.org.au/donate/

Thank you to everyone who has offered to foster or adopt, you are wonderful!

For now, we have hit pause on applications so we work through all those we’ve already received - if that’s you, we’ll be in touch soon.

Tasmania - you genuinely care about animals!
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We cannot thank you enough for your support 💚💙❤️
We’ve had an outpouring of donations today, and still have a way to go.
You can donate here:  https://www.rspcatas.org.au/donate/
Thank you to everyone who has offered to foster or adopt, you are wonderful!
For now, we have hit pause on applications so we work through all those we’ve already received - if that’s you, we’ll be in touch soon.
Tasmania - you genuinely care about animals!

103 CommentsComment on Facebook

Can someone explain to me why........the breeders can't be made to pay the rspca and the other dog rescue groups etc......... for the ongoing care costs needed before many of these dogs find good homes?

Tasmania cares for animals but our politicians are ambivalent!!. Greyhound racing and the puppy farm issue need addressing ASAP!!

I'm sure GAPS, Brightside, Small PAWS, The Dogs home, North East Animal Sanctuary and other animal rescues all have animals in need of fostering, adoption and donation. So those disappointed that applications have closed should look elsewhere and not be sucked into the designer dog breed type. There are lots of lovely dogs and cats in need. P.S. greyhounds are often far more laid back than oodle crosses

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Hi there, I'm Bosco, a handsome male Standard Labradoodle looking for my forever home!

I come from a puppy breeding facility and haven't had the chance to experience life as a house pet, so everything is new and exciting to me.

When I first arrived, I was heavily matted and needed some serious grooming to help me feel more comfortable.

Despite my rough start, I am a happy boy who really just wants to be by your side. I may be a bit shy and timid in new situations, but with some love and patience, I know I can grow and shine as a beloved pet.

I am good with other dogs and would love to have a furry friend to play with. If you are a loving and understanding owner who is willing to help me learn about toys and show me the ropes of being a cherished pet, I know we can create a special bond that will last a lifetime.If you think I could be the perfect addition to your family, please consider giving me a chance.

I promise to be a loyal and loving companion who will always be grateful for a second chance at a happy life.

Please submit an adoption application and we will call to arrange a meet and greet.

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Hi there, Im Bosco, a handsome male Standard Labradoodle looking for my forever home! 

I come from a puppy breeding facility and havent had the chance to experience life as a house pet, so everything is new and exciting to me.

When I first arrived, I was heavily matted and needed some serious grooming to help me feel more comfortable. 

Despite my rough start, I am a happy boy who really just wants to be by your side. I may be a bit shy and timid in new situations, but with some love and patience, I know I can grow and shine as a beloved pet.

I am good with other dogs and would love to have a furry friend to play with. If you are a loving and understanding owner who is willing to help me learn about toys and show me the ropes of being a cherished pet, I know we can create a special bond that will last a lifetime.If you think I could be the perfect addition to your family, please consider giving me a chance. 

I promise to be a loyal and loving companion who will always be grateful for a second chance at a happy life. 

Please submit an adoption application and we will call to arrange a meet and greet.


174 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done RSPCA in shutting it down and saving the hundreds of beautiful labradoodles. Good luck Bosco and to all the other pups who are free now and can have the love and healthcare they deserve!

You’ve finally got this place closed down- - well done RSPCA ! Dear Bosco - wishing you the best life!

Well done RSPCA !!! They need to be paying for everything for these dogs. They made enough out of the ones they sold. 😞

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RSPCA Tasmania has succeeded in shutting down Tasmania’s biggest puppy farm, Tasmanian Labradoodles.

More than 250 labradoodles are now being surrendered to the RSPCA and financial help and loving homes are urgently needed.

The immediate and permanent closure of Tasmanian Labradoodles and surrender of all of its dogs was secured last Friday, in a landmark out of court Agreement.

RSPCA CEO Andrea Dawkins said this was an historic win for animal welfare in Tasmania, but the hard work wasn’t over yet.

“We have been fighting to close Tasmania’s largest puppy farm for around three years, and we’ve finally succeeded,” Ms Dawkins said.

“Now, the RSPCA needs urgent financial help to provide veterinary care, foster homes and ultimately adoption for more than 250 labradoodles currently at the property.

“Many of these dogs have never been in contact with a human, they will need so much attention and care before they are ready to be part of a loving family with the life they so deserve.

“This is unprecedented, it is expensive, and the RSPCA needs your urgent help.

“We expect it will cost at least $1,000 per dog to give them the vet checks, vaccinations, behavioural assistance, food and temporary rehoming – and this is before we understand if any of the dogs have serious conditions that require further attention.

“This is an urgent call out to anyone who can donate to the RSPCA to help us give this critical care to hundreds of labradoodles. No matter how small the donation, every dollar counts.

“We have set a goal to raise $300,000 to help us in providing the care, medical requirements and loving foster environments to set these labradoodles on their pathway to forever homes.

“We will also need foster homes and ultimately adoptions for every one of the 250 dogs.

“We’re asking Tasmanians to open their homes and hearts to these beautiful animals, that deserve a second chance at a loving life.

“Despite their rough start, they have an invincible love of humans. They are friendly and loving, with a gentle temperament that makes them the most ideal family pet.”

The RSPCA first brought 70 charges for over breeding against the owners of Tasmanian Labradoodles in early 2023.

The charges related to alleged overbreeding between April 2021 and February 2023, under the Animal Welfare (Dogs) Regulations 2016

A long and hard fought legal battle concluded on Friday, with the signing of an out of court Agreement that secured the puppy farm’s closure, and surrender of all of its dogs.

“I’d like to thank the Department of Natural Resources for their assistance with this long-running matter,” Ms Dawkins said. “This support included the provision of two vets for a general health check of dogs several weeks ago.”

The RSPCA Tasmania is also calling on the Tasmanian Government to urgently change to the Dog Regulations, to ensure that this can never happen again.

“The reality is that the laws have failed all of us,” Ms Dawkins said. “The existing law does nothing deter this from happening and nothing to penalise when it does.”

“Under the existing laws, the Tasmanian Labradoodle owners could have faced a maximum penalty of just $273,000, which is just a cost of doing business for a puppy farm with an estimated revenue of around $2 million.

“The laws must change. We cannot let a situation like this happen ever again.

“Tasmania needs laws that ban puppy farms, and we need mandatory registration, standards and conduct for breeding established.”

Donate or sign up to foster a Ladradoodle here:
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RSPCA Tasmania has succeeded in shutting down Tasmania’s biggest puppy farm, Tasmanian Labradoodles.

More than 250 labradoodles are now being surrendered to the RSPCA and financial help and loving homes are urgently needed.
The immediate and permanent closure of Tasmanian Labradoodles and surrender of all of its dogs was secured last Friday, in a landmark out of court Agreement.

RSPCA CEO Andrea Dawkins said this was an historic win for animal welfare in Tasmania, but the hard work wasn’t over yet.

“We have been fighting to close Tasmania’s largest puppy farm for around three years, and we’ve finally succeeded,” Ms Dawkins said.

“Now, the RSPCA needs urgent financial help to provide veterinary care, foster homes and ultimately adoption for more than 250  labradoodles currently at the property.

“Many of these dogs have never been in contact with a human, they will need so much attention and care before they are ready to be part of a loving family with the life they so deserve.

“This is unprecedented, it is expensive, and the RSPCA needs your urgent help.

“We expect it will cost at least $1,000 per dog to give them the vet checks, vaccinations, behavioural assistance, food and temporary rehoming – and this is before we understand if any of the dogs have serious conditions that require further attention.

“This is an urgent call out to anyone who can donate to the RSPCA to help us give this critical care to hundreds of labradoodles. No matter how small the donation, every dollar counts.

“We have set a goal to raise $300,000 to help us in providing the care, medical requirements and loving foster environments to set these labradoodles on their pathway to forever homes.

“We will also need foster homes and ultimately adoptions for every one of the 250 dogs.

“We’re asking Tasmanians to open their homes and hearts to these beautiful animals, that deserve a second chance at a loving life.

“Despite their rough start, they have an invincible love of humans. They are friendly and loving, with a gentle temperament that makes them the most ideal family pet.”

The RSPCA first brought 70 charges for over breeding against the owners of Tasmanian Labradoodles in early 2023.

The charges related to alleged overbreeding between April 2021 and February 2023, under the Animal Welfare (Dogs) Regulations 2016

A long and hard fought legal battle concluded on Friday, with the signing of an out of court Agreement that secured the puppy farm’s closure, and surrender of all of its dogs. 

“I’d like to thank the Department of Natural Resources for their assistance with this long-running matter,” Ms Dawkins said. “This support included the provision of two vets for a general health check of dogs several weeks ago.”

The RSPCA Tasmania is also calling on the Tasmanian Government to urgently change to the Dog Regulations, to ensure that this can never happen again.

“The reality is that the laws  have failed all of us,” Ms Dawkins said. “The existing law does nothing deter this from happening and nothing to penalise when it does.”

“Under the existing laws, the Tasmanian Labradoodle owners could have faced a maximum penalty of just $273,000, which is just a cost of doing business for a puppy farm with an estimated revenue of around $2 million.

“The laws must change. We cannot let a situation like this happen ever again.

“Tasmania needs laws that ban puppy farms, and we need mandatory registration, standards and conduct for breeding established.”
Donate or sign up to foster a Ladradoodle here:
If you have any issues, please restart your browser

639 CommentsComment on Facebook

So happy this has happened, but if the owners have profited from the puppy farm why are they not being held financially responsible for the costs associated with rehoming these beautiful dogs?

These people should be put in STOCKS in the main street!

The breeders should be going to jail

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Our systems are still down due to the global outage, resulting in the ARCs remaining closed.
We will keep you updated when this changes. 💚❤️
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Our systems are still down due to the global outage, resulting in the ARCs remaining closed.
We will keep you updated when this changes. 💚❤️

The Animal Cruelty Hotline is down due to the global software outage.
Please hang in there and report
We will catch up as soon as the issue is resolved.
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The Animal Cruelty Hotline is down due to the global software outage.
Please hang in there and report 
We will catch up as soon as the issue is resolved.

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Our cheeky Cooper!

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