Report Wildlife Offences
Please report wildlife offences as soon as possible, this can prevent the loss or destruction of evidence and unnecessary animal suffering.
Any reports or information provided to the Investigations and Enforcement Section will be kept confidential.
When reporting wildlife offences please ensure your report contains the following information:
- Your full name, including address and contact information
- Date and time of incident
- Details of incident and species involved
- Offender/s details including name, address and contact information (if known)
- Address where incident has taken place
- Any photos / videos
- Any further information that may assist with the investigation
- Willingness to provide a formal witness statement
Contact Information
Investigations & Enforcement Section Duty Phone: 0417 661 234
Wildlife Reception Phone: 03 6165 4305
Tasmania Police Enquiries: 131 444
Wildlife offence reports and information are preferred through the wildlife reception email.
Where reports are of an urgent nature or require an immediate response, contact via the Investigations and Enforcement Section duty phone is encouraged.
Reports relating to the illegal use of firearms should be initially directed to Tasmania Police.