Stop the Sale, Possession or Use of Pronged Collars on Dogs
RSPCA Tasmania is calling on the State government, to amend the Tasmanian Animal Welfare Act 1993 to ban the sale, possession, or use of pronged collars on dogs.
Pronged collars have fang-shaped metal links, with blunted open ends turned towards the dog’s neck so that, when the collar is tightened, it pinches the naturally loose skin around the dog’s neck in order to restrict their movement.
The damage that pronged collars can do to dogs goes beyond yanking and choking.
Depending on dogs’ size, how hard they pull, and how forcefully they get yanked, these collars can cause them serious injuries, including the following:
- Intervertebral disc protrusion
- Partial or complete fore- or hind-limb paralysis from spinal cord injuries
- Damage to the vagus nerve, affecting the functioning of major organs, including the heart, lungs, liver, bladder, spleen, and kidneys
- A crushed trachea, with partial or complete asphyxiation
- Crushed or fractured bones in the larynx
- A bruised oesophagus
- Sharp increases in pressure inside the head, which can cause brain or eye damage and sometimes prolapse of the eye
- Bruising and damage to the skin and tissues in the neck, resulting in the formation of scar tissue
- Fainting
Dogs who are repeatedly yanked and choked may become resentful, aggressive, and fearful. Real fences and positive training methods are the kind choice and are actually much more effective. These collars are a cruel and unnecessary tool to modify canine behaviour.
Unfortunately, while it is illegal to import pronged collars under Australian customs legislation, the sale and use of pronged collars is not illegal. So unscrupulous distributors bring in these collars in segments to avoid breaching the import legislation. Upon arrival, the collars are reassembled and sold to dog owners who may well not be aware of the dangers these pose.
The use of these collars is banned in Victoria under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2008. However, as yet, Victoria is the only jurisdiction to ban these harmful collars. Tasmanians care about the treatment of dogs and implore the State government to take action to stop this cruel practice.

[The petition to Minister Barnett is now finished]